Friday, May 11, 2012


It'd been true
today was tomorrow's yesterday once
but will that be your statement of the day?
not any more.
shall we talk again and on that one
our opinions will be our defense
and chalked out plans would surmise
completely on their own
we were useless
then we paled and realized
land that held us
was bought cheap and used well
to well and swell the promises
we couldn't keep,
not once
and hence we became strong
without ever
for once
becoming weak
so pride at its own cost
will cough today,
yes today, that was tomorrow's yesterday once.
and announce itself amongst heads
all staring in the same direction
without demanding, without threatening to disobey.
that, dear friend, would be today.
yes today, that is tomorrow yesterday no more.
yourself you'll own.