Friday, April 22, 2011

Problem with rich editors is precisely that, they are all rich, too much formatting,notepads are supposed to be that, notepads.
fulcrum is tilted the movement you touch to balance it, and beauty of a fulcrum lies in being left to itself. so i resolved for a movement to leave the fulcrum as it was. 'i' came back after a while and i was satisfied with the coming back of 'i', sans any new age attitude, sans any efforts to force the normalcy back in. and at that movement i recalled caesar once more, the instance he must seen brutus amongst his killers and hopefully, and hope here is intentional if not genuine, he died a hero, for it is more important to die a hero than it is to live like one, for in the face of death our most potent fears surface, fears that we try to keep at bay all our lives and it is then, right then and there and nowhere else we are supposed to behave like a hero, that is when our true mettle comes to the fore. so i hope, caesar smiled. and also hope he didn't regret having trusted brutus.